1 The Machine: My body, my emotions, and my thoughts make up a mechanical robot. This robot reacts and acts in an almost totally mechanical manner to impressions received from without or to its own memories. The machine has four parts or centres: thoughts, emotions, sense-impressions, and movements, all of which have their own memories and wills.


2 Many ”I”s: Impressions and memories give rise to many little ”I”s in these centres. Every such ”I” briefly affords life to the machine until a new impression, a new association evokes another ”I”. Each such ”I” believes itself to be the whole individual and is quickly replaced with others without the individual’s control, this process going on without cease. Each ”I” has its own memories, and is more or less separated from the others. The ”I”s assemble into larger, more permanent groups called personalities.


3 Sleep: This state of being a machine divided into many uncontrollable ”I”s is not wakeful­ness. It can be termed psychological sleep according to the same five criteria as physiological sleep. 1) Passivity: the individual uncritically accepts impressions causing him to react. 2) Negativity: the individual easily falls victim to negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, irrita­tion, etc.. 3) Subjectivity: the individual is unable to distinguish between unreality (illusions, imagination, and fictions) and reality. 4) No self-consciousness: the individual is unable to remember himself. 5) Low degree of mentality or reason: the individual is dominated by emo­tionality.


4 The Right to Consciousness: In my present state I do not possess self-consciousness, but I have the right to self-consciousness. There are no external obstacles to this. The possibility is ”in-built” in the machine.


5 I Need Not Ask the Permission of Anyone to Acquire that Right: No god can give me that right. Nor can any higher being hinder me from having it. So it is because:


6 Existence and Everything in Existence is Ruled by Laws: Lower kinds of matter are ruled by the laws we call laws of nature, which are eternal constants that cannot be changed. In higher kinds of matter there are corresponding laws.


7 The Laws of Life indicate the rules that apply in my development as a human being. The laws of life are manifestations of natural law in emotional, mental, and higher matter. The laws of life most important for man to know about are the laws of freedom, unity, develop­ment, self, destiny, reaping, and activation.


8 The Law of Freedom affords me the freedom to choose development towards higher consciousness and to find the way in which to develop my individual character. I am free to choose feelings, thoughts, and inner qualities. I possess freedom to the same extent that I grant other people the same freedom. Freedom is freedom from the lower: from illusions, imagination, and fictions. Freedom is freedom from fears and cravings.


9 The Law of Unity says that I am part of unity and that we all live in unity. My development consists in joining this unity more consciously and help other people to do so as well.


10 The Law of Development: All monads are on their way to the final goal of life, from the lower to the higher, from division to unity, according to the law of attraction, the law of love. Nothing can stop this in the long run. From illusions to truth, from subjective to objective. Identification with the higher and liberation from the lower. Everyone’s development is furthered if I desist from degrading acts, feelings, thoughts, and company, and strive for the highest I sense.


11 The Law of Self-Realization: It is my responsibility to develop. I become what I do, say, feel, and think. I must take control of my machine myself, acquire qualities and capacities. I have to solve my problems of life myself. Self-realization is a trial and a test of my staying power, purposiveness, and discrimination.


12 The Law of Destiny: I wander the paths I cleared in previous lives, and I have a possi­bility of choice at every crossing. This law puts me in the situation that is best for my develop­ment. Whatever must be or should be is the best. The law of destiny grants me the possibilities of the best and swiftest development of myself and others, when I possess knowledge for service.


13 The Law of Sowing and Reaping, or the  law of cause and effect. I have created this life myself, directly and indirectly, and I am now creating my future. Actions, words, feelings, thoughts, wishes; everything has its definite effect, and the stronger the energy, the greater the effect. I must incarnate until I have cleared up all the mess I have made or made good in other ways. It is good to let unnecessary ties to other people fall off of themselves in life. I shall strive for liberation, redress, and love.


14 The Law of Self-Activation: I must activate higher kinds of consciousness and matter, on my own initiative and by my own power. This requires control of consciousness, directed attention, purpose, firmness, staying power, concentration, self-discipline, and daily exercise. Nobody else can do this work for me. If I do not use it, I will lose it.


15 All is Suffering (in the Worlds of Man): As a human being I suffer physically, emo­tionally, and mentally, as well as unconsciously. When in higher states I cannot apprehend suffer­ing, since the vibrations corresponding to it do not exist in those states. This is the first of the four noble truths.


16 The Cause of Suffering is Craving and Fear: Craving and fear arise through clinging to physical, emotional, and mental life. By identifying myself with my machine and its desires and fears, I apprehend suffering. These are the conditions of suffering. This is the second of the four noble truths.


17 By Letting Go of Craving and Fear I Can Eliminate Suffering: I must begin with making suffering conscious and enduring it purposively by not identifying with my machine, but instead taking control of it. This will strengthen me. Then I must learn how to let go of craving and fear. This is the third of the three noble truths.


18 The Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path: Gautama the Buddha walked a tried path, and I can do the same. The path is eightfold and is complete only if all the eight parts are walked. The eight parts are: right view, right decision, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right remembrance, right motive and method. The path leads to awakening, freedom, and unity. This is the fourth of the four noble truths.


19 Right View: Right knowledge or the most correct world view and life view possible. Hylozoics, esoterics, affords me a valuable knowledge of existence and life, a knowledge which I derive a constant practical benefit from and which affords the best explanation, working hypothesis of life. Right view means always to start from this knowledge in my life and to look upon reality without illusions and fictions.


20 Right Decision: Right thought, right attitude. Having a right view I can think right and create a right attitude to everything in my life. My attitude is one of the few tools with which I can work on my machine. Using this tool I can change the various functions of the machine for the better.


21 Right Speech: Right choice. If my attitude is right and I have made a right decision, I can express myself right and choose right in every situation in life. Balanced active self-expression. Every day I am put into situations where I must choose. There I must let my centre of gravity guide the choice. The centre of gravity grows from cultivating the right attitude and giving self-will less scope.


22 Right Action: If I have made the right choice, it is possible for me to act rightly. The right time, the right place, the right people. Having a knowledge of the laws I can avoid acting wrongly. Right action means that all my centres work properly and that I am self-conscious in the moment of action. It also means action, no mere reaction.


23 Right Livelihood: Not to inflict suffering or loss on other people. I must find my place without being a burden to others. I must stand on my own feet in life and earn my living not harming others. I must find the task that I am to fulfil in existence and do what I am here to do.


24 Right Effort: Right striving. All the time I must work for my goals and make the efforts necessary to reach them. Effort in accordance with what is required, whatever the objective. My efforts must lead to a common goal, and everything I do must be in line with this striving. I always strive to be conscious of this striving.


25 Right Remembrance: Self-remembering, a state above and independent of the machine. I strive always to remember myself and my goals. I must try to be awake. Conscience means moments of self-knowledge beyond all self-justification, all excuses and buffers. I have to forget what should be forgotten.


26 Right Motive and Method for the Inner Work: My motive is to awaken and and so to work for my and everybody’s development towards unity. My method is the fourth way: liberation from the lower and identification with the higher. Full control of attention. Methodical identification with and conquest of the twelve essential qualities and all the necessary abilities.


27 Trust in Life, the First Essential Quality: Security, safety, assurance, lightheartedness, faith, hope, confidence, trust in law, courage, realization that there is no failure, realization that everything is planned for the best, faith in the strong powers of life within me. I need not understand or know everything. To have trust in life is to be free from fear, anxiety, envy, and despair.



28 Trust in Self, the Second Essential Quality: Self‑determination, self‑criticism, frankness, determination to win, self‑control, balance. The ability to decide for oneself what is good and right. To dare to be oneself. To have trust in self is to be free from various complexes such as sin, guilt, shame, inferiority, despair, slavery to authority, bad conscience, and shyness.


29 Trust in Law, the Third Essential Quality: Sense of duty, moderation, striking the golden mean, honesty, straightforwardness, endurance, thinking right before you act. To have trust in law is to be free from stubbornness, self‑will, fanaticism.


30 Uprightness, the Fourth Essential Quality: Truth, justness, sincerity, integrity, reliabili­ty, objectivity, honesty.


31 Impersonality, the Fifth Essential Quality: Unconcern, unassailability, invulnerability, “indifference” to what happens to the machine, simplicity, self‑forgetfulness, directness, spontaneity, independence of the opinions of others, harmlessness, “not being the centre of one’s circle”, “to be naked is to be innocent”, sense of innocence, artlessness, naturalness, unselfishness, impartiality, emancipation, tolerance. To possess impersonality is to be free from: self‑importance, self‑centredness, conceit, delusion, self‑glory, boasting, fanaticism, vanity, desire for recognition, self‑assertion


32 Will to Sacrifice, the Sixth Essential Quality: Altruism, disinterest, resignation of power, glory, riches, gluttony. Liberality, generosity, magnanimity, service, courage, capacity for work, capability, accuracy, sublimation. Liberation from the lower with joy. To possess the will to sacrifice is to be free from pride, greed, ambition, self‑interest, egoism, demands, claims, sense of compulsion, inner and outer prohibitions, clinging.


33 Faithfulness, the Seventh Essential Quality: Loyalty, reliability, steadfastness, constancy, gratitude, dedication, sense of responsibility, commitment to duty, honesty. To possess faithfulness is to be free from deceit, self-will.


34 Reticence, the Eighth Essential Quality: Thought‑control, attention, watchfulness, stillness, “let thy war‑song cease”, concentration, mindfulness, “non‑resistance”, accepting life, stopping leaks. To possess reticence is to be free from negativism, criticism, gossip, spirit of opposition, wrath, discontentment, expression of negative emotions.


35 Joy in Life, the Ninth Essential Quality: Joy, happiness, bliss, intensity, “life is wonderful”, “outlet”, liberation, pleasure is power, surrender to life without reserve, optimism. To possess joy in life is to be free from: bitterness, grief, suffering, suppression, complexes, inhibitions, moralism and idealism that destroy joy, dissatisfaction, vulgarity, self‑torture, procrastination.


36 Purposefulness, the Tenth Essential Quality: energy, power, efficiency, positivity firmness, unshakableness, unyieldingness, will to live, self‑realization. “I can, I will, I dare, I shall.” Courage, staying power. To possess purposefulness is to be free from: wobbliness, tactlessness, egotism, division, thoughtlessness, self‑defeat.


37 Wisdom, the Eleventh Essential Quality: Knowledge, insight, understanding, common sense, power of judgement, art of living, humility. To possess wisdom is to be free from dogmatism, moralism, pride, mechanicalness.


38 Unity, the Twelfth Essential Quality: Attraction, love, goodness, admiration, affection, compassion, kindness, sympathy, respect, veneration, worship, tact, delicacy, consideration, service, patience, tolerance, identification. To possess unity is to be free from hatred, vengeance, malice, moralism, tactlessness, contempt, jealousy, negative thoughts about other people.


39 The Existence of the Elder Brothers: My friends outside the prison, the C-influence. The planetary hierarchy with its department, masters, and disciples. The causal world and the essential world. The evolutions of other planets. The reappearance of Maitreya. Pythagoras, gnostics, sufism, the Sarman brotherhood, the Transhimalayan Mother School. Higher kinds of consciousness and matter. Parallell evolutions, Augoeides, invisible helpers.


40 The Work of the Elder Brothers According to the Plan: The planetary evolution, the goal of mankind, eons, races, the unique position of our planet, refinement, obedience to the law, patience, the avatars, love.